How to Learn French:

French language

French is one of the most important languages in the world. French is an international language spoken by over three hundred million on five different continents. French is the official language of many international organizations like the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, UNESCO, and many more. French is also the third most-used language on the internet after English and German.

Why French?

Knowledge in a second language increases your potential business opportunities causing businesses planning to break into international markets and understanding that communicating in your target demographic native languages increases confidence and builds trust among both parties.
French is the second official language of Canada, and knowledge of this language is useful in furthermore studies as communication with the locals there.

French In Canada

However, French is the first language of 7.2 million Canadians. That’s concerning 20 % of the population (compared with the 56% who speak English, per the 2016 Census). It might be a plus for you, socially and professionally, to learn at least basic French.
The French Language give additional points for pr in Canada.

Canada has introduced some new programs just as the Express Entry Program and a few different PNP ( Provincial Nominee Programs) to offer a seamless immigration method to the aspiring candidates.
In these programs, every person is awarded certain points known as the CRS ( Comprehensive Ranking Scheme) score based on his profile that features age, educational details, work expertise, etc. only the candidates with the highest CRS scores are sent the ITA i.e. invite to use for Canadian PR. You must score at least 67 points for the FSW stream. This is based on your French/English language proficiency, work experience, education, and age for creating a profile for Express Entry Program. As per the recent update to the Express Entry Program and CRS marking theme on June 6, 2017, any person who is ready to showcase ability within the French language is awarded an extra 30 points. Thus, learning the French Language helps get a Canada PR Visa and is guaranteed to improve your CRS score and make it easier for you to make the Canadian PR.

Employment Opportunities

One of the various benefits of bilingualism is that it will increase your employment opportunities. Canada has many jobs that are completely offered to those skilled in both English and French. If you’re bilingual, you’ll be able to choose from jobs available in English or French. Multinational firms usually ask for workers who are fluent in more than one language and prioritize candidates who demonstrate such proficiency. you may have bigger quality inside companies that have branches across Canada (and around the world).

Educational Opportunities

Some of the excellent Canadian academic institutions are French language-based. Knowledge in the French language improves your possibilities of obtaining admission into Canadian universities to provide education in French.
Knowledge of the French language is useful once international students need to become permanent residents of Canada.
Knowing that the French language is usually useful in Canada because it is the second language of communication, the students would have a higher edge when trying to find a job. It adds points to the resume.
Apart from Canada, the French language is taken into account in several European countries too. scholars can even search for jobs in countries like France and Germany when graduating from Canada.
Becoming bilingual once you aim for international jobs is a great deal.

Eligible To Score In TEF/ TEFAQ Exams

For a candidate to demonstrate proficiency in French, the candidate should take the TEF exam (Test d’évaluation de français). There are 2 styles of French exams. TEF and TEFAQ
TEF could be a widely accepted test across Canada whereas TEFAQ is taken into account valid within the Quebec province of Canada only. The results from this examination are submitted as French language proficiency proof alongside the Express Entry profile of the aspirant. You can get additional points from good French skills. To be eligible for Express Entry, you must prove your English or French language ability.

  • Take an approved language test
  • Get the minimum results required by your program
  • Include the results when you complete your Express Entry profile
  • The language test evaluates these abilities:

*To measure your English or French levels, we use:

  • Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) for English
  • Niveaux de compétence Linguistique Canadien (NCLC) for French
  • You can now also earn up to 30 additional points for strong French language skills (even if French is your second language).
  • If you score NCLC 7 or higher on all four French language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), you will get 15 additional points if you scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or you have not had an English test); or 30 additional points if you scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills.This is in addition to the points you get for official languages i.e, French Language.
  • Thus, French is wide widespread in Canada.
    • Our French Courses





      How To Learn French Online ?
      French A1 Level

      DELF A1 highlights the first knowledges in French language. DELF A1 recognizes basic knowledge. It is the most basic level at which a language is used, called the "discovery" stage. At this stage, the learner can interact in a simple way: he/she can speak about him/herself and his/her immediate environment. This examination benefits from a very positive evaluation which is not made to sanction but to highlight the French learning.
      DELF A1 examination is based on level A1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

French Basic Course

  • Introduction to French Language and Its Different Levels To Get Fast Canada & Quebec PR. Essential Topics Like Greetings, Numbers, Time & Vocabulary Related to Daily Routine Activities.
  • Basic Grammar to Formulate Sentences.
  • Key Words and Phrases to Describe Yourself & Immediate Surroundings.
  • A Set of Conversations at Supermarkets, Cinema, Restaurant. Interviews and Many More.
  • Handling Emergencies.

Learn French Online With Free Daily Lessons

If you are wondering what is the best way to learn French , you are in the right place.


FAQS on French

Whether it is in full immersion or in your home country, an intensive French course can be an excellent way to learn French quickly. To make sure you don't lose what you have learnt, you need to keep practicing.

With a total of 79.9 million speakers in 29 countries, French is still a very popular language today. In fact, it's estimated that around 194.2 million people also speak French as a second language,

Formally, 29 countries use French as the national or official language. Additionally, France has 11 Overseas Territories, which are administrative subdivisions of France outside of the mainland.

French is one of the easiest languages to learn for a native English speaker.

The TFI test is a French-language proficiency test that measures the everyday French skills of people whose native language is not French. It is for language learners of all levels, regardless of their background.